QNA > H > Come Identificare I Fiori Che Crescono Nel Tuo Giardino

Come identificare i fiori che crescono nel tuo giardino

Zea Molash

The easiest TIME to identify flowers is while they are blooming, and when they have leaves (if they are perennials or deciduous shrubs). Then, use any of the other suggestions (Google, garden apps, local garden center employees, etc.) and make sure you provide as much of the following information as possible:

  • Leaf shape - you can research different shape descriptions in most plant identification books or online resources.
  • Leaf size (in centimeters or inches)
  • Are the leaves alternate or opposite on the stem (or do the leaves emerge directly from the ground in the case of grasses)
  • Are the leaves variegated or green (or another color)
  • Do the leaves have fuzz/hair on them - check both sides of the leaf
  • Are the leaves leathery, thin, glossy, deeply veined, etc.
  • Is the stem woody or herbaceous
  • Is the plant deciduous (having no leaves, but persisting stems in the dormant season)
  • Is the plant perennial or biannual (many biannual plants seem to come back each year, but they are setting seeds for new plants during the same year that they are in their first and second year of growth)
  • What is the growth habit of the plant (creeping, climbing, trailing, upright, vase-shaped, columnar, etc.)
  • What is the height of the plant - mature height is easier for identification than a new, young plant.
  • Where is it growing (sun, shade, wet area, dry area, slope, etc.)
  • What time of year does it bloom (and does it bloom more than once each year)
  • What color(s) does it bloom
  • What is the shape and/or structure of the blooms
  • What size are the blooms (in centimeters or inches)
  • Are the blooms or leaves fragrant? Se sì, che odore ha?

Ci potrebbero essere altre caratteristiche identificative, e più cose sai del fiore/pianta, più facile sarà identificarlo correttamente.

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