QNA > H > Come Varia Il Tasso Di Percolazione Per Diversi Tipi Di Terreno?

Come varia il tasso di percolazione per diversi tipi di terreno?


Rapprossimativamente inversamente alla dimensione delle particelle del suolo. Un terreno a grana molto fine come l'argilla avrà un tasso di percolazione molto basso, mentre un terreno a grana grossa come la sabbia avrà un tasso di percolazione molto più alto. La ragione principale dovrebbe essere ovvia: i terreni a grana fine hanno pori molto più piccoli (spazi tra i grani), poiché i grani si raggruppano più strettamente. Nel caso delle argille, c'è anche un'interazione elettrochimica tra le particelle che le tiene attivamente unite.

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Aziza Sprau

Here is a general breakdown of how different classifications of soils percolate.

  1. Clay may percolate slowly, or some clay with significant silt and bentonite components may not perc at all. Bentonite is a natural clay found in some areas that expands when wet, essentially sealing it to prevent water from passing through it. This is the kind of clay, or similar to, the clay found in kitty litter, and the material used to waterproof soil when boring or drilling below the water table.
  2. Sandy clay percolates better than pure clay.
  3. Sand percolates better than any other soil type. Only gravel allows water to flow more freely through it than sand does. The addition of silt or other materials to sand will reduce the perc rate of the soil.
  4. Silt, like clay, is very water resistant. Ponds are often created when silt is deposited in a low area. Water flows in, washing silt into the low area, and eventually the silt layer becomes thick enough to seal the pond bottom. Depending on the actual chemical composition of silt, it may be one step from becoming stratified rock, since silt high in calcium, deposited over many years, is what becomes rock like shale.
  5. Loam will usually perc fairly well, not as well as sand. Loam, however, absorbs water, so if it reaches a saturation point, it may become resistant to percolation. This may be caused by the fact that the particles of organic matter in the loam swell, sealing off voids in the material.
  6. Sandy loam, like sandy clay, percolates well because of the sand, which creates voids between the finer and more adhesive loam soil particles.
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