QNA > H > Quanto Tempo Ci Vuole Per Cucinare Le Lenticchie?

Quanto tempo ci vuole per cucinare le lenticchie?


“””” The lentil plant (Lens Culinaris) originates from Asia and North Africa and is one of our oldest sources of food. A cousin to the pea and a rich provider of protein and carbohydrates the lentil is also a good source of calcium, phosphorus, iron and B vitamins – making it an important diet staple the world over.

There are several different varieties – most commonly used in cooking are Brown, Red and Green lentils, although Puy and Yellow are stocked in many health and specialist shops.

Lentils do not require Pre-soaking but can be soaked in order to reduce cooking time by about half. Before cooking, rinse lentils in cold water, pick over to remove debris or shriveled lentils and then drain””””, Lentils .

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“””” 15-20 minutes ~Cook on a stovetop, using 3 cups of liquid (water, stock, etc) to 1 cup of dry lentils. Be sure to use a large enough saucepan as the lentils will double or triple in size. Bring to a boil, cover tightly, reduce heat and simmer until they are tender. For whole lentils, cook time is typically 15-20 minutes””””, How to Cook Lentils .

Delaney Doughan

Dipende dall'uso che volete farne. La maggior parte delle volte le ho usate per la zuppa e hanno bisogno di circa 1 ora e mezza.

Sto parlando delle comuni lenticchie marroni. Quelle rosse cuociono molto più velocemente e diventano mollicce. Anche le lenticchie francesi du puy cuociono più velocemente e rimangono sode.

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