QNA > W > Perché Molte Persone Non Si Rendono Conto E Non Entrano In Empatia Con Il Fatto Che Petunia Aveva Solo 23 Anni Quando È Stata Atterrata Con Harry E Aveva Appena Perso I Genitori E La Sorella?

Perché molte persone non si rendono conto e non entrano in empatia con il fatto che Petunia aveva solo 23 anni quando è stata atterrata con Harry e aveva appena perso i genitori e la sorella?

Camilo Brender

Why don’t more people recognize and sympathize with Petunia Dursley, considering she was only twenty-three when she was handed a second child to raise and so soon after losing both her parents and her sister?

That’s a fair question. The answer is, it’s hard to empathize with someone who doesn’t seem to care about those losses. And there never really was even a slight indication she was hiding the pain.

> …Harry liked… …a very thin scar on his forehead that was shaped like a bolt of lightning. ...

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