QNA > D > Una Pianta Di Giada Richiede La Luce Del Sole?

Una pianta di giada richiede la luce del sole?



La pianta di giada ha bisogno della luce del sole.

Può essere coltivata sia al chiuso che all'aperto.

Ci sono molte varietà.

Di solito la pianta di giada ha bisogno della luce del sole per 3 o 4 ore.

Mentre si colloca all'interno, può essere tenuta vicino alla finestra dove cade la luce diretta o indiretta del sole.


Immagine...Il mio cellulare

5grazie per la domanda...

Spero che questo aiuti...

Attalie Ureta
  • Grow in very bright light indoors. Jade plants can survive if you grow them where they get only a little bit of bright light, but they won’t flourish.
  • Also, like most other tropical plants, jade plants hate the cold, so keep them away from drafty windows and doors.
  • Once nighttime temperatures are at least 18 to 20 degrees Celcius, move the container outside to a protected spot.
  • Let the plant get used to being outside for a few days before moving it to an area with more sun since sunlight is more intense outdoors.
  • Ideally, you’ll want to place your jade plant where it will get plenty of morning sun but be protected from stronger afternoon rays.
  • Move plants back inside when nighttime temperatures begin to drop again in the fall.
  • Water when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil are dry.
  • After a month, feed jade plants when you water with organic fertilizer
  • Prune off dead or shriveled branches.
  • Create more jade plants by breaking off pieces and sticking them in soil so they can form roots.
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