QNA > I > Se Potessi Essere Qualsiasi Personaggio Di Mario, Chi Saresti?

Se potessi essere qualsiasi personaggio di Mario, chi saresti?

Shaeffer Falcione

È facile. Mario.


Sarei il ragazzo più famoso del Regno dei Funghi, e vivrei un sacco di avventure epiche. Mi chiederei come, in nome degli dei, questa Peach continui ad essere rapita, mentre io la salvo per la 69 trilionesima volta. Avrei delle capacità di salto incredibili, e mi sballerei - intendo dire - usando questi fantastici power-up a forma di fungo, e anche super stelle, eliche e cose del genere.


Easy. Luigi.

Why him and not Mario, the star of the franchise?

Well, for one thing, I prefer green over red (although, Gryffindor over Slytherin). Plus, I don’t really like limelight.

And Luigi has some advantages:

  1. His manners: he is more humble than Mario. Mario will gladly accept a trophy for winning a go cart match, and while Luigi won’t turn it down, it’s not as big a deal for him. Plus, at the end of New Super Mario Bros, he opens the balloon doors for Mario and Peach, not even minding when Mario knocks him over.
  2. His backpack tool: the FLUDD is nice, but the Poltergust 5000 is also pretty cool. It can suck up ghosts, for crying out loud. Mario has a glorified fire extinguisher, but a cool one at that.
  3. His helpfulness: in NSMB, he can be played to show Mario through the level. And, in Luigi’s Mansion, he overcomes his fears to help Mario.

Overall, Mario is nice, but so is his younger but taller brother, Luigi.

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