QNA > H > Come Salvare Una Pianta Di Bambù Contenuta In Un Vaso D'acqua Che Sta Diventando Gialla - Piante (Home &Amp; Gardening)

Come salvare una pianta di bambù contenuta in un vaso d'acqua che sta diventando gialla - Piante (HOME & GARDENING)

Carly Tomerlin

If caught early and you notice just a small amount of yellow, change the water (distilled water) and move to a place with a little less light. If it is worse than that, but there is still green up top, just cut off the bottom and place it in a new container with fresh water.

To save a dying indoor bamboo plant, you should do the following:

  • Avoid using chlorinated tap water
  • Watch your indoor temperatures
  • Clean the bowl and change out the water often
  • Track soil levels and make sure you’re not overwatering or underwatering
  • Fertilize only once or twice a year
  • Prune dying or dead leaves and stems
  • Don’t give the plant too much or too little light
  • Look for insects and get rid of them

source: internet


If caught early and you notice just a small amount of yellow, change the water (distilled water) and move to a place with a little less light. If it is worse than that, but there is still green up top, just cut off the bottom and place it in a new container with fresh water.

To save a dying indoor bamboo plant, you should do the following:

  • Avoid using chlorinated tap water
  • Watch your indoor temperatures
  • Clean the bowl and change out the water often
  • Track soil levels and make sure you’re not overwatering or underwatering
  • Fertilize only once or twice a year
  • Prune dying or dead leaves and stems
  • Don’t give the plant too much or too little light
  • Look for insects and get rid of them

source: internet

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