QNA > W > Che Tipo Di Terreno È Meglio Per La Lavanda?

Che tipo di terreno è meglio per la lavanda?


Lavender thrives in a hot dry climate and prefers a loose and well drained soil. If you plan to grow lavender in the yard or in a field it would be a good idea to do a soil test and then make adjustments to the soil based on the results.

An ideal soil is considered to consist of 45% mineral (sand, silt, and clay), 5% organic matter, and 50% pore space. The pore space provides the oxygen and water necessary for plant growth. [1] If you have a heavy clay soil it may be best to grow in raised beds to give you more control over the soil composition and to aid drainage.

When growing lavender in containers the best potting mix is one that is a loose friable mixture that allows for good drainage. Follow this recipe to make your own potting mix.[2]

You will need:

one part finished compost

one part pumice or perlite

one part coarse sand

one part fine soil

lime to adjust ph to at least 7.0 (depends on amount of mix prepared)

a few crushed eggshells (optional - provides alkaline ph as they degrade)


[1] Soil Preparation for Lavender[2] LAVENDER POTTING MIX
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