QNA > W > Perché Sento Un Dolore Pungente Quando Sudo?

Perché sento un dolore pungente quando sudo?


Hi !

Here are some ideas of a couple of people sharing the same symptoms and I think this will give you somewhere to start. Definitely see a doctor as it might be a serious medical condition or becoming one right now. Read here: Sharp needles like pain on skin. - Infectious diseases - Condition | Our Health

“I don't know about sharp needles necessarily but i had these same symptoms several years ago, seemingly incurable itching especially when i would sweat. I went to my doctor several times before he suggested changing my laundry detergent. I switched brands and washed all my clothes and haven't experienced any itching since. Seems like whenever i would sweat from activity or nervousness it would dissolve whatever i was allergic to into the sweat and subsequently onto my skin.”

Dare una risposta
Quali sono alcune delle vostre storie di essere stati punti da un'ape (e di aver avuto una reazione (allergica)? :: Se ho una storia di anafilassi al veleno delle api, e sono stato punto da un'ape sudatoria e non ho ancora avuto alcuna reazione (è stata 1 ora). Questo significa che non dovrò preoccuparmi che la puntura provochi una reazione?
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