QNA > W > Che Effetto Ha L'acqua Salata Sulle Piante?

Che effetto ha l'acqua salata sulle piante?

Sihunn Szklarski

Most land plants cannot grow if there is too much salt in the water. The salt water draws water out of the roots of the plant and dries them out, which causes the plants to be stunted or die. In houseplants, you will often see the leaves turn brown at the end if their owners add too much salty fertilizer and don’t water enough.

The reason that salt water will draw water out of the plant roots is because of osmosis. You learn more about osmosis at Khan academy at this link: Osmosis

There are some plants that have evolved to live near or in the ocean, and they can live in salt water. For example, seaweed is a plant that needs to live in salt water. Also, salt-marsh grasses and even asparagus can have their roots in water that is too salty for other plants. Dipende davvero dalla pianta e da dove si è evoluta per crescere al meglio.

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Perché l'acqua salata uccide le piante? :: Ci sono piante che sopravvivono con l'acqua salata?
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