QNA > W > Cosa Fa Crescere La Chromolaena Odorata?

Cosa fa crescere la Chromolaena Odorata?


Water and sunlight, like all other plants.

However, I suspect you want to know what makes it grow so fast.

The reasons that C. odorata is so successful in many environments, to the extent that it becomes a highly invasive plant, are essentially the same as with all other invasive exotics:

  • a suitable physical environment (rain, temperature, soils), which can be in a very wide range if the plant is widely adapted (like C.o.)
  • absence of natural enemies and diseases
  • prolific multiplication, whether through seed (C.o.!!) or vegetatively
  • and, in many cases and I suspect also in this one, a capability to repel other plants through root or leaf exudates: chemical compounds which stop or prevent growth in its vicinity. Its strong smell may be an indication of that, but that is not necessarily the actual compound. Many plants produce exudates without the slightest sign or smell.
Newcomb Lierman

Choromolaena Odorota può crescere in una varietà di ambienti, temperature e tipi di suolo. Essendo un'erbacea perenne, queste piante crescono per lo più in ecosistemi tropicali e sub-tropicali ad un'altezza media di 1,5-2 pollici.

Ha fusti liberi e rami laterali sviluppati nelle gemme ancillari. Per aiutare la Chromolaena Odorata a crescere, bisogna fornire acqua, luce e sostanze nutritive sufficienti alla giovane pianta e tenerla lontana da altre piante perché forma dei popolamenti densi nell'area circostante.

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