QNA > I > Se Tu Fossi Un Giardiniere Cosa Pianteresti Nel Terreno Per Far Crescere Una Nuova Rosa?

Se tu fossi un giardiniere cosa pianteresti nel terreno per far crescere una nuova rosa?

Waller Monkhouse

I worked at Eagle Lawn and Garden which is now Lowes and I learned a rose trick that I still use and has never let me down. We would get pallets and pallets of roses in and during their stay with us, some of them would die, or look like they were dying. Management let me buy these roses for a buck or two per plant and I would take them home, dug the required hole and before I would plant the rose I would throw into the hole a handful of dried blood, a handful of bone meal, and a banana peel - no chemicals to worry about! Every single rose bush bounced back beautifully - I had about 25 of them. Which, when I sold my home, I donated to the local nature center.
Btw, nowadays growers a lot of times won't allow the stores to sell the TLC plants at a discount and make sure these perfectly good plants are thrown into the trash compactor instead of sold cheaper or donated to a good cause because they make more money from the insurance company than they would selling them at a discount. America - home of the wasteful.
Finally, fyi, the best window cleaner I have ever used is one part water, one part vinegar and one part rubbing alcohol. Bomb. It's the only thing I will ever use.

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