QNA > W > Perché Trovo Gli Occhi Blu Così Poco Attraenti?

Perché trovo gli occhi blu così poco attraenti?

Prober Darakjian

I do, too. And I am so not ashamed of being “prejudiced.” Enough is enough, because blue eyes have always gotten all this universal praise, meanwhile they’re off-putting and obnoxious AF. Instant repellents. Here are my reasons:

  1. Brown, green, grey, even turquoise eyes look lovely, look deep, look human, but light blue and dark blue- any solid blue- looks cold, hollow, and hungry.
  2. Sure, “eye color has nothing to do with personality,” except for the fact that every last given blue eyed individual unconsciously and consciously believes and acts like they are by default more attractive or tantalizing in appearance: I am sorry but, blue eyed people have a personality of pure privilege under the illusion they are special looking, and it always shows.
  3. Over the course of human history, the eyes of the men that have greedily raped, pillaged, conquered, owned, and colonized the rest of humanity into oblivion, are most famously and consistently blue. It is a gene, blue eyes are passed down from some of the most unspeakable murderers and sadists in the history of our planet, and it is therefore also an unconscious association we all have to this look, whether or not we wish to admit it.
  4. Their pupils are so vivid, all you really see when talking to them is this wild enlarging-shrinking-enlarging-shrinking seizure their pupils are constantly having in response to every minute change in lighting that may hit those shifty holes. It’s exhausting, distracting, unsettling, and unattractive. I literally have never met a person with “crazy eyes,” unless they had blue eyes. No eyes ever look remotely psychotic and reptilian in comparison, all other colors come off so calm, grounded, stable, and straightforward.
  5. They are overrated to infinity and beyond, especially through the media, where every “young beauty” is depicted as some blue-eyed bimbo, by some blue-eyed dullard like Zooey Deschanel or Alexis Bledel (zombie porcelain dolls) and other hideous, talentless, faceless faces: it’s been like aversion therapy for those of us in the culture who think it’s a lame, overused palette to begin with as well as just the least interesting or appealing eye color to have to look at.

Call me whatever you all want. I have known about as many blue eyed folk as any other, and not a single person I ever knew was half as narcissistic, self-entitled, privileged, shady, cowardly, and downright sociopathic as the countless blue-eyed things I came across and still encounter today. And all that’s besides the main point here: simply, no eye color looks more physically hideous.


Perché lo sono. Gli occhi blu sono scioccamente poco attraenti. Le parole raccapricciante, e occhi pazzi, vengono in mente immediatamente.

Sembra brutto anche in TV, ma non dico mai niente perché: a. tutti sono ossessionati dagli occhi blu, così immaginano che io sia solo amaro, o prevenuto, e b. anche se sanno che sono serio e sono d'accordo, allora sono solo una stronza maleducata e giudicante.

Per me è una sconfitta, faccio parte di una minoranza con questa opinione, quindi non dico mai niente.

Ma se me lo stai chiedendo personalmente perché sei d'accordo, allora sono molto felice di dire questo: gli occhi blu rendono un viso brutto da morire, se non del tutto inquietante nel profondo, quindi lo ritengo letteralmente un colore maledetto per gli occhi.

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