QNA > C > Si Può Usare Una Copertura Del Terreno In Un Giardino Pluviale?

Si può usare una copertura del terreno in un giardino pluviale?


To free yourself of the need to incessantly mulch, a groundcover is a good way to stabilize soil and lock out opportunistic species (weeds). The outmoded idea of using a single species as an unbroken ground cover, however, is giving way to using them to cover the ground between a diverse planting of taller species[1].


The species that you select as the ground cover will depend on climate, sun exposure, and soil moisture. Since you’re planting a rain garden, it would be safe to assume that the soil will be occasionally inundated after rain events. Many low-growing species of sedges (Carex species) or rushes (Juncus species) are adapted to moist or wet soils and part shade. Possono fornire un tappeto verde attraente e fine tra piante più alte e appariscenti.

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[1] Re-imaginare la natura - una recensione di Planting in a Post-Wild World di Thomas Rainer e Claudia West
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