QNA > H > Quanto Può Essere Dannoso Un Bruco Bianco E Peloso Con Punte Nere?

Quanto può essere dannoso un bruco bianco e peloso con punte nere?

Julie Wisner

How harmful can a white fuzzy caterpillar with black spikes be?


Well, if it’s this pretty fellow, you’ll want to look but not touch.

This is Lophocampa caryae, the white hickory tussock moth caterpillar, a native of Canada that in recent years has started to encroach into the US. The hairs in its back contain a venom and are barbed like a harpoon.

When you touch him, these hairs embed into the skin and can give an itchy red rash similar to that of poison ivy. If you happen to rub your eyes after handling this guy, the barbed hairs can be transferred to your cornea and cause serious damage to your vision.

In addition to being venomous, they are also moderately poisonous. Ti faranno piuttosto male se li mangi, con nausea, mal di testa e febbre.

Bruco velenoso avvistato in Pennsylvania

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