QNA > W > Cosa C'è Di Speciale Nella Città Di Ahmedabad?

Cosa c'è di speciale nella città di Ahmedabad?

Clerissa Mutters

Ahmedabad is awesome. Even when it was not a mega city (which it is today), it was equally awesome. It has always been the people and the diversity of the population that has been the speciality of this city. But here goes a bulleted list of awesomeness . :)

  • Loving and helpful people
    Warm and welcoming. If you are an outsider who doesn’t know Gujarati, don’t worry, we won’t ask you to go back to where you came from.
  • Food
    Street food, restaurants (just so much food and so much variety that you will go crazy)
  • Shopping
    You want a huge brand-heavy mall? You got it. You wanna go cheap? You got that too.
  • Night life
    No you don’t need an alcohol driven night life.
  • Safety
    you can walk or drive around at any time of the night without having to worry about being mugged, all the more safe for women
  • Beautiful women of course
  • Festivals
    Name it and we celebrate it. If we don’t yet, we will start coz we are all for celebrations!!
  • Did I mention food? Yummmy!! :D
  • Good public schools
  • Cosmopolitan culture
    There are people from every part of India in this city and even though they have their own little community, they are Gujaratis at heart!! :)
  • Cold coffee stalls
  • The old walled city (beautiful)
  • Wide roads
  • Consistent electricity
    Doesn’t sound like much? Try Bangalore sometime!!
  • Sabarmati Riverfront

And the list could go on.

I am biased, I was raised in this city…. :)

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