QNA > W > Perché Alla Gente Piace La Liquirizia?

Perché alla gente piace la liquirizia?

Martha Malit

Chacun a son gout. Non c'è contabilità per il gusto. Perché alla gente piace il caviale? O le ostriche della prateria? O la trippa e le cipolle? O quel disgustoso formaggio italiano con i vermi dentro? E il caffè fatto con i chicchi non digeriti della cacca di un gatto? Blarg.


Caption: Massachusetts man dies from eating bags of black licorice | KTLA

Why do so many of us hate black licorice? A few theories - NBC News

Does black licorice taste good?

  • “””” Licorice, which comes from the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra plant, flavors what we call black licorice (which is redundant), liqueurs such as Jagermeister, and medicines such as NyQuil, which relies on the pungent flavor to mask the medicinal taste. ... Taste includes sweet, bitter, salty and sour. (Aug 24, 2012)””””, www.nbcnews.com › healthmain › why-do-so-many-us-h... .
  • - - - Fun Facts:
  1. Black Licorice is mildly toxic to humans.
  2. Eating very large quantities of Black Licorice causes a person to lose potassium from the body. One of the very few foods that will do that.
  3. Red licorice IS NOT chemically Licorice. It is just a concoction that is made to look that way.
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