QNA > W > Perché I Miei Semi Di Menta Non Crescono Sia Seminando Direttamente, E Anche Nessuna Germinazione Su Carta Assorbente Da Cucina?

Perché i miei semi di menta non crescono sia seminando direttamente, e anche nessuna germinazione su carta assorbente da cucina?

Aretta Mannino

Know Before You Grow: Mint

Unlike many other seeds, mint seeds need light in order to germinate. They do also need humidity and dampness, like the germination techniques for other plants, but for mint light is important.

You may have covered them too deep. Or, you may have covered them with paper towels. Or, they may have dried out before germinating. Any of those would be bad.

On the other hand, you might just have a bad batch of seeds. Ultimately, I don’t know for sure.

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