QNA > W > Cosa Succede Se I Semi Di Chia Vengono Consumati Dopo La Data Di Scadenza?

Cosa succede se i semi di chia vengono consumati dopo la data di scadenza?

Landy Rittichier

If they are whole and not ground up, nothing/ not much. If you keep them a very long time they might not be (as) viable anymore and sprout/grow as well, or at all.

Whole chia seeds are considered “good” for 2+ years in the pantry and 4+ years in the freezer. Ground/ chia meal on the other hand only 2–4 weeks in the pantry and 1–2 years frozen. The chia gel (soaked chia seeds) only about 2 hours at room temp. More if refrigirated or frozen. How Long Do Chia Seeds Last? Shelf Life, Storage, Expiration

If they have been ground the inside is exposed to oxygen and the oils can go rancid.

Anything that contains oils and has been ground, or where the inside has been exposed to air (whole grains-ground/cracked, seeds, nuts - shelled..) can go rancid and probably would not be good much past the expiration date. How Long Does Flour Last? Shelf Life, Storage, Expiration

It can be good for several weeks or month though, depending on how it is stored. Cold retards/slows oxidation. Whole wheat flour, for example, is good for 6–8 month past the “best buy date”

That applies to bottles/containers of oil that have been opened as well.

One problem could be if the stored chia seeds got wet. But you would notice that since they get all gelatin/goo like. If that happens and you do not know how long it has been like that, it probably would be best to throw them out.

Basically if it has been ground, cracked, chopped, or expelled (oils) and butter, just smell them to check for rancidity if you are not sure.

If you are taking chia or flax seeds for the omega-3’s and other health benefits, it is best to buy whole ones and then either soak or grind as needed.

That applies to things like garlic and onions as well. It’s not that the pre-ground/minced ones are “bad”, but the enzymes that are activated when cut or ground degrade after a while even when they are “preserved” or frozen. They are still safe to eat and have flavor though.

How Long Does Food Last? Guide to Shelf Life & Expiration


Come superfood, i semi di chia sono ricchi di acidi grassi Omega-3, proteine e fibre e sono un'aggiunta salutare alla tua dieta moderna e veloce.

I semi di chia sono costantemente in cima alle liste annuali delle tendenze alimentari perché sono delle centrali elettriche nutrizionali.

Siccome i semi di chia sono duri, consumarli crudi è difficile e bisogna masticarli. Per tutti coloro che cercano di mangiare semi germogliati o ammollati di chia dovrebbe anche cercare di masticare a fondo come che vi aiuterà a digerire facilmente.

Io ammollo 1tbl cucchiaio di Green Herbo Chia Seeds in acqua per 30 minuti e consumarlo al mattino, allegato un link per il vostro riferimento.

Semi di Chia grezzi Green Herbo per la perdita di peso - Ricchi di Omega 3 e fibre - 280GGreen Herbo Premium Chia Seeds Un'aggiunta ideale alle diete vegetariane, vegane, integrali, paleo, chetogeniche e senza glutine. I semi di Chia possono essere utilizzati come pasto per la gestione del peso. Chia Seeds Salvia Hispanica Seeds contains only whole, natural and raw chia seeds. Green Herbo Chia seeds are delicious...https://www.amazon.in/Green-Herbo-Raw-Chia-Seeds/dp/B09L6JRMKM
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