QNA > I > È Possibile Fare Una Medicina Da Una Pianta O Un Animale Velenoso?

È possibile fare una medicina da una pianta o un animale velenoso?


Yes, the list is long and growing longer every day!


Digitalis purpurea

I'll just mention a few of the most famous ones.

  • Digitalis (a heart drug) is made from the poisonous Foxglove. Eating just one Foxglove flower has enough poison to serious harm or even kill a child. The flowers are tube-shaped and will fit over your fingers like a little glove. This is very tempting for children.


  • Belladonna. (Atropa belladonna aka Deadly Nightshade) One of the most toxic plants in the western hemisphere. Extract of this plant was used by young women to make the pupils of their eyes look large, dark and beautiful. The name mean beautiful damsel in Italian. It also causes delirium, hallucinations and even death in large doses. It is still used today to dilate the eyes for eye examinations.
  • Aspirin (pain reliever) is made from willow bark. Willow bark tea is an old pain remedy but taking too much can cause problems for people with blood clotting disorders, ulcers, or kidney disease. By overdosing on willow bark and then cutting yourself, you could bleed to death because it interferes with your natural blood clotting mechanisms.

There are still many known plants whose properties have not yet been fully investigated, to say nothing of the plants that are going extinct before we've even had a chance to look at them.

You only have to go to the nearest herbal remedy shop to see all the herbal preparations that may or may not have been fully tested, but still hold promise as future medications.


Clostridium botulinum è un batterio che causa il botulismo spesso fatale. La tossina botulinica estratta e purificata ha avuto successo nel trattamento dello strabismo, un disturbo dell'allineamento degli occhi. Allergan concesse la licenza per il trattamento e lo chiamò Botox. Ben riconosciuto ora come un rilassante dei muscoli facciali iniettato a lungo termine. Il Botox è usato da alcune donne per dare l'impressione di tornare un'adolescente senza cervello.

Medicina o cosmetica? Decidi tu.

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