QNA > H > Hai Ricevuto Qualche Nuova Pianta Questa Settimana? Se Sì, Vuoi Condividere Una Foto Con Noi?

Hai ricevuto qualche nuova pianta questa settimana? Se sì, vuoi condividere una foto con noi?

Ong Braver

For Christmas my sister in law gave my husband and I a “Christmas Cactus”. It’s a clipping off of my husband’s Grandma’s main plant. The mother plant is about 60 years old.

I’ve never had a plant before so obviously I’m nervous.
This is what the plant looked like when it came to me:


Since I’ve had it, it’s experiencing growth!


I’ve been keeping a monthly photo update and am documenting its growth. I like to call it “Grinch” since it’s a Christmas cactus and I imagine cacti are grumpy yet cute.


Another artsy picture (above).


Me & my baby Grinch:) I think if I can keep this alive then maybe I can keep a baby alive!

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