Dove posso trovare rose nere?
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veramente parlando non c'è una cosa come rosa nera.
piuttosto quello che abbiamo è profondo marrone. quindi se si desidera avere rosa nera poi dimenticare. e la cosiddetta rosa nera, come disponibile nel mercato può essere trovato in vivaio vicino, o azienda orticola
I've searched and found two different types of black roses-Black Baccara and Black Magic. Both are not purely black, but very deep red. There are seeds available on, but I've never grown any roses from seed. You are better off buying a bush that is the variety of rose you are seeking grafted onto a more hardy root stock. I checked the website Jackson & Perkins, whom I've bought rose bushes from in the past, but I was disappointed to find they did not have these two varieties. There is also J.Parkers in the UK, and the Black Baccara was out of stock. You may want to check again next spring. Apparently these “black” roses are very popular! Difference between black baccara & black magic roses | eHow UK