QNA > S > Qualcuno Ha Colpito La Mia Auto Parcheggiata E Ha Lasciato Un Biglietto Con Il Suo Nome E Numero Di Telefono. Come Devo Procedere?

Qualcuno ha colpito la mia auto parcheggiata e ha lasciato un biglietto con il suo nome e numero di telefono. Come devo procedere?

Desdamonna Dain

Se sei stato parcheggiato, non dovrebbe influire sui tuoi premi. Se hai un agente assicurativo di cui ti fidi, chiama l'agente e chiedi se fare un tale reclamo influenzerà i tuoi premi. In caso contrario, fate gestire loro l'intera faccenda, è per questo che li pagate.


Before you report this claim to your insurance company, try the following:

  • Take a picture of the scene and a close up of your damage. If there are other cars parked around yours make sure the photo captures the other vehicles as well.
  • Stop by your favorite local Auto Body Shop and ask them to provide you with a cost of repairs estimate.
    • You now have an idea of what amount is a reasonable settlement with the other insurance company or the other party directly.
  • Look up the deductible for your Collision coverage (assuming you have Collision Insurance)
  • If the amount of the estimate is near the same or less than your deductible:
    • The other party left you a note with a name and phone number. That's a good sign they are willing to make things right.
    • You are much better off initially seeking payment from the other party’s insurance.
      • The fact that this is a not-at-fault accident does not guarantee your rates won’t be affected. Many auto insurance rating plans will look at claims frequency regardless of fault.
    • Even if the party that struck your vehicle is willing to take responsibility for the loss personally obtain their insurance company, policy number, and agency/company contact information.
      • If they choose to pay personally accept only cash payment. If they hedge you still have their insurance information to seek payment from their carrier.
  • If the amount is significantly greater than your deductible:
    • You should still pursue this with the other party's insurance company. You were parked and the vehicle was unattended. There will not be a question of fault.
    • If the claims process with the other party goes awry, you can change gears and place a claim under your collision coverage.

In a claim where your car is parked and unattended, and the other person is willing to work with you to make things right, it makes sense to pursue coverage under their insurance first before submitting the claim to your insurance company and having that activity reflected in your claims history.

However, if things start to go south with the other party, don’t wait long to report the claim to your insurance carrier.

Edit: Catherine Beale makes a good suggestion in the comments below. Obtaining a police report could be valuable in this instance if the other party changed their helpful posture. Anche se non è assolutamente necessario (specialmente se si ottengono delle foto), potrebbe essere utile se la persona che lascia le sue informazioni di contatto ha fatto un 360 nella sua posizione di responsabilità.

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