QNA > W > Quali Sono Le 3 Attività Umane Che Influenzano Maggiormente L'ambiente?

Quali sono le 3 attività umane che influenzano maggiormente l'ambiente?


Human beings are directly or indirectly responsible for the deteriorating condition of the nature around us. When we neglect nature, we pose a threat to many lives in our planet.Some of the common human activities affecting nature on a large scale are:-

  • Industrialization- In this competitive era where every country is growing, we mostly depend on industrialization.. We build huge factories which in turn affects our nature in many ways:-
    • Poisonous gases released directly in the open environment
    • Harmful solid waste discharged on land
    • Solid waste discharged untreated in water bodies, this affects aquatic life the most and the marine life is disturbed abruptly with the death of fishes and aquatic plants.
  • Use of vehicles - We rely so much on fuels these days but we tend to forget that these vehicles emit huge amount of harmful gases that mainly includes Hydrocarbons(HC), Carbon monoxide(CO), Nitrogen oxides(NOx) etc. which pollutes the air.
  • Construction - Heavy construction requires land and for that we make use of natural fields and convert them into a land of our own need.
  • Deforestation - We exploit our forest for so many reasons like for creating our own space for infrastructure development or for the use in timber industry etc. This also leads to destruction of natural habitat of many wild animals and birds.
  • Nuclear testing - Nuclear weapon testing is the most dangerous human activity which destroys nature on a much wider scale. These tests are conducted either on the surface or under the ground or even sometimes under the water. These tests results into an uncontrolled release of radioactive materials which has several harmful health effects on human,animals and the whole nature.
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