QNA > C > Si Può Sanguinare Dalla Bocca A Causa Di Problemi Al Fegato?

Si può sanguinare dalla bocca a causa di problemi al fegato?

Vergil Passe

It happens only in a condition called portal hypertension, which itself is a complication of advanced liver disease (besides other conditions).

But as I said, it happens after very advanced stage of liver disease, like chronic liver cirrhosis. If the disease is not advanced the source of blood may be different.

On examination an endoscopy is usually done to identify any abnormal veins in esophagus, along with other tests.

If you find someone bleeding from mouth and have a liver problem, first make sure if it is coming from bleeding teeth - as in liver disease there is problem in blood coagulation, so the person have a tendency towards bleeding. A vitamin K supplementation usually relieve the issue in most cases, but always consult a physician before taking any drug.

If it is not bleeding from teeth or gums, immediately take the person to the physician. He should be able to advice you what to do next.

If your question was a academic one then probably you are searching for the thing below -

  1. portal hypertension due to chronic liver disease
  2. extrahepatic portal hypertension due to long-standing liver disease
  3. coagulopathy due to liver disease
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