Perché innaffiamo i mattoni o i blocchi di cemento prima di prenderli per usarli nella costruzione?
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There are three reasons for submerging bricks/blocks:
1. Test for absorption: A brick is submerged in water for 24 hours. If its weight after 24 hours exceeds its dry weight by 20%, the brick is not used for construction.
2. Test for presence of soluble salts: After 24-hour submergence, if grey/white deposits occur on the brick, soluble salts are present. If white deposits cover more than 50% of the surface, the bricks are not used for construction purpose.
3. Quench the thirst: It's said that bricks are very thirsty. So the selected bricks are submerged for sufficient time so that they absorb sufficient water and fill most of their pores with it. Or else they will absorb the water of the mortar, thus reducing its strength to a great extent.
Edit: Bricks are soaked also to remove dirt from the surface. Thanks for the point Sanchit Bajaj.