QNA > W > Che Tipo Di Pattinatore Di Figura Non Piace Agli Altri Pattinatori Di Figura?

Che tipo di pattinatore di figura non piace agli altri pattinatori di figura?

Orlan Sauliner

There are two types that come to mind:

  1. The Statue. They go to skating to do a couple of laps, and then abuse a patch of ice—frequent collections of them are to be found in the corners—by standing and gabbing about school, work, how mean their parents are, or how awful Becky’s dress is. They contribute nothing to the sport but their registration fees and a being a filler in the back row of the obligatory annual club ice show group number. Coaches keep an eye out for these miscreants and should send them packing if they don’t shape up. They are a hazard equivalent to a deer standing amid a winding road.
  2. The Ice Hog. The polar opposite of the Statue, while their enthusiasm for skating is commendable, the running down of other skaters should not be tolerated. A skating session can have anywhere from 12 to 24 or 26 skaters on the ice, with a handful of coaches circulating among them for lessons, so a degree of 360 degree of awareness and forgiveness should be exercised, not a hell-bent-for-leather kamikaze mission to take out everything and everyone in your path in the execution of a full 4 minute skating program. Skaters should be shown how to respect each other and how to communicate with each other so that program skaters and those practicing elements can coexist.
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