QNA > W > Cos'è L'antracnosi - Interessante E Informativo

Cos'è l'antracnosi - interessante e informativo


It's a fungal disease affects many plants, including vegetables, fruits, and trees. It causes dark, sunken lesions on leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits. It also attacks developing shoots and expanding leaves. It can spread very quickly during rainy seasons.


Anthracnose Disease: Symptoms, Treatment and Control | Planet Natural

Rashidi Jaichand

Generalmente presente nella parte orientale degli Stati Uniti, l'antracnosi è causata da funghi del genere Colletotrichum, un gruppo comune di patogeni delle piante che sono responsabili di malattie su molte specie vegetali. Le piante infette sviluppano lesioni scure e impregnate d'acqua su steli, foglie o frutti.

Goulet Lemarie

It's a fungal disease affects many plants, including vegetables, fruits, and trees. It causes dark, sunken lesions on leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits. It also attacks developing shoots and expanding leaves. It can spread very quickly during rainy seasons.


Anthracnose Disease: Symptoms, Treatment and Control | Planet Natural

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