QNA > W > Qual È La Pianta D'appartamento Più Facile Da Coltivare? (Altro Che 'Seta' Haha!)

Qual è la pianta d'appartamento più facile da coltivare? (Altro che 'seta' Haha!)

Anabal Wern

The answer can be as varied as there are people, environment, and type of plants. “Easy” is quite relative as one easy plant to grow by someone in certain place can be next to impossible to grow somewhere else.

Thus, I'm going to mention 'easy to grow' plants here by just how much/less you'd need to do to care for them :

  1. Plants which can thrive even with irregular care : ZZ plant (Zamioculcas), Cryptanthus, zigzag plant (Pedilanthus), Portulacas.
  2. Plants which can thrive with minimal care (watering each week, no need to repot, no need to fertilize) : spiderplant (Chlorophytum), Syngonium, Tillandsia, Cordyline.
  3. You can left them alone as long as they get sunlight : Sansevieria, Aloe vera, pony-tail palm (Beaucarnea), various Dracaenas.
  4. Removing them is more trouble than growing them ( don't let them escape the pot) : various vines (ex: ivy, Quisqualis), mother-of-thousands ( Kalanchoe ), tradescantias, Rhoeo.
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