QNA > H > Come Possiamo Compostare I Rifiuti In Un Appartamento Della Città Metropolitana?

Come possiamo compostare i rifiuti in un appartamento della città metropolitana?

Voltz Borenstein

The easiest method is as under :

  1. Use two earthen pots with lids. Place them in an airy place.
  2. Put a layer of saw dust and some manure or some compost at the bottom of one of them. (I generally prefer compost. You can easily buy ready compost from amazon or any other place.)
  3. Dump your daily wet waste inside. This waste should not contain only organic and compostable material. Nails, coconut shells, egg-shells, onion peels, fish bones, meat bones etc are to be avoided. They won’t cause any harm, but they won’t be converted into compost. Ideally cooked food also should be avoided for two reasons - one, there are too many hungry people in the world to use cooked food for composting, two, it can result in a bit of stink.
  4. Cover it up with more manure/compost. In case there is some stink, you can add more manure/compost.
  5. Repeat the cycle every day. Turn the garbage with a ladle once in about 3–4 days. In about 20 days (or a little less or little more, depending on the size of your pot and the amount of garbage and compost you put in) your pot should seem full.
  6. Keep the pot aside and repeat steps 2 to 5 in the second pot.
  7. By the time the second pot is full, you will be surprised to find the 1st pot already reduced to less than half automatically. You can empty this pot and use this product as compost. The pot can be reused for the next cycle. By the time you fill up this pot, the 2nd pot is ready.

This is the cheapest method. No need of any earthworms or any other insects. Just make sure that the pot is closed all the time and is placed in an airy place. Ideally, the pot should have some breathing holes. You can also decorate these pots and place them in your living room as a lifestyle statement! Just make sure that you take all precautions for not generating a stink.

There are also other methods like using a plastic bucket. (In genere non lo consiglio perché l'acqua contenuta non evapora facilmente, anche se si possono fare dei buchi nel secchio e può causare una puzza significativa). Una compostiera di tipo tumbler è un altro metodo popolare. Anche questo è di plastica o metallo con perforazioni. Tuttavia, richiederà una certa quantità di spazio e anche un certo investimento.

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