QNA > W > Qual È Il Modo Migliore Per Coltivare Le Zucche In Colorado?

Qual è il modo migliore per coltivare le zucche in Colorado?


We are chemical free and had 3 years of severe drought (2000,2001 & 2002) so we have learned a few tricks.
1) drip lines - you can DIY with old garden hoses and connectors - then take part of a drip line, connect it and circle the pumpkin mound (if you do mounds - if just a straight line then a straight drip line works). You want the water to just feed the roots and not flood your whole plot.
2) We use a good thick weed block cloth. We lay it out to cover the whole area we want the vines to grow. this not only keeps the bind weed out, but helps to keep bad bugs out too.
3) As of last year, we have had to place a cage around our fruit - there were not enough fox/coyote to keep up with the rabbit population and they were working on our pumpkins! You can either cage the fruit when it is big enough, or fence off the whole area.
If you are looking to grow commercially (acres and acres of them), you may want to re-phrase the question. What we do is on a smaller scale (only plant about 20 plants). Spero che questo aiuti.

Marozik Ochalek

Le zucche sono coltivate in Colorado come in qualsiasi altro posto in cui crescono. La differenza è il numero di giorni che avete dalla semina al raccolto. Con meno giorni avrete bisogno di coltivare varietà che hanno giorni più brevi fino al raccolto. Buona fortuna.

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