QNA > W > Qual È Il Miglior Modo Non Letale Per Controllare I Parassiti Del Giardino?

Qual è il miglior modo non letale per controllare i parassiti del giardino?

Jareb Siar

Garlic Spray is an option.

Let's face it: When it comes to homemade sprays, there is no such thing as a cure-all. You are aware of this.

Homemade garden sprays, on the other hand, are usually effective and will not harm your pets, children, or the environment.

They can sometimes outperform lethal store-bought insecticides.

I can show you how to make an amazing Garlic Spray that repels egg-laying pests.

Simply follow these steps:

  • Puree 10 garlic cloves in a food processor with 1 quart of water.
  • Allow it to sit overnight.
  • The next day, strain the mixture through cheesecloth and combine it with one cup of vegetable oil and a shaker of cayenne pepper (which will also keep dogs and cats away from your plants but does not harm them).
  • Allow the mixture to sit for another day.
  • Then dilute it with water (12 cup solution to 1 gallon water).
  • Fill a spray bottle halfway with water and spray the plants you want to protect.
  • Spray the plants on the bottomside of the leaves and reapply at least once a week, or as often as the plants become wet (rain or sprinkler).

Our common essential oils can be used for a variety of purposes, including natural pest control in the garden.

Garden bugs despise essential oils.

To add them to your garden arsenal, you'll need to make a mixture of the following:

  • Begin by purchasing an essential oil such as citronella, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, or tea tree oil. Then, combine your essential oil with some witch hazel and avocado oil.
  • You now have the ideal natural bug spray for your plants that is free of chemicals. You'll need to experiment with various oils to see which ones work best for your plants.
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