QNA > W > Che Aspetto Ha L'erba Completamente Cresciuta?

Che aspetto ha l'erba completamente cresciuta?


Quando le erbe completano il loro ciclo di crescita, formano teste di seme.

Le erbe possono essere annuali, una stagione, si riproducono per seme, o perenni, più stagioni, si riproducono vegetativamente e per seme.

La maggior parte delle colture di grano sono annuali. Ci sono anche erbe foraggere perenni.

Annuali: loglio annuale, erba blu annuale, miglio perlato, mais e sorgo / sudangrass.

Perenni: orchardgrass, festuca alta, loietto perenne, kentucky bluegrass, smooth bromegrass, meadow foxtail, timothy, colonial bentgrass, bermudagrass, reed canarygrass, wheatgrass, big bluestem, switchgrass e indiangrass.

Cicli di vita delle erbeLe erbe sono ampiamente classificate come annuali estive, annuali invernali o perenni. Non ci sono erbe biennali. L'uso previsto detta quale gruppo è più adatto per una data situazione. Annuals Annual grasses are represented by the major grain crops (corn, sorghums, wheat, rye, barley, oats), and by many weedy types which infest fields and pastures. Broad categories include: 1. winter annuals: cool-season species which germinate in late summer or fall, 2. summer annuals cool-season species seeded in the early spring, and warm season species seeded in late spring or early summer.https://forages.oregonstate.edu/regrowth/how-does-grass-grow/life-cycles-grass

Grain farmers, and farmers of annual grasses must harvest seed every year, and reseed. Or, at least let the grass go to seed, by removing grazing livestock for awhile while the grass forms seed.

While perennial grass in your lawn will come back, most perennials still need to be reseeded every few years to keep a lush lawn. You can let your lawn form seeds in the Fall, or over seed (topseed) in the Spring.

How To: Overseed a Lawn For a Lush, Green YardAre you wondering how to overseed your lawn? Here's our guide to help you do that properly in a few easy-to-follow steps.https://www.bobvila.com/articles/how-to-overseed-a-lawn/

I have had good results by mowing existing grass very short, de-thatching if needed, then over seeding with my desired seed mix.

New grass needs to be kept watered till the new grass forms deep roots. You can provide that by watering, or by planting when nature will provide.

In some climates, you can seed in late Fall, and let the new grass come up in Spring with the snow melt. “Winter Wheat is grown this way.

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