Come si coltiva il fieno?
- If the field is not already growing grasses and/or clovers and/or alfalfa, you till it and plant the seed.
- 3–4 months after the pasture starts growing, you mow it, just to keep the weeds at bay.
- The first year you will not likely harvest for hay as you want the pasture to get established.
- The first cutting of the hay season will be when the the pasture plants start flowering. Any sooner and yields are lower. Any later and quality goes down.
- The actual cutting day will be when the forecast is 3 continuous days of no rain.
- I prefer to start cutting after morning dew has dried off.
- The grass will lay in the field drying until the moisture drops to an acceptable level. One trick to determine this is the relative ease of breaking the stems. If they are stiff and break easily, the hay is dry enough.
- If you want to accelerate the drying process, the hay is “tedded” which basically spreads it out from the windrow. I do my tedding the day after I cut.
- You rake the hay up into windrows to prepare it for bailing.
- You bale the hay into square or round bales.
- You store the bales. Square bales are typically stored in a barn or under cover and off the ground. Round bales can be stored indoors or outdoors. Outdoor stored hay will suffer quality loss in the outer six or so inches.
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