QNA > D > I Tuoi Capelli Ricrescono Nello Stesso Posto?

I tuoi capelli ricrescono nello stesso posto?


Thanks for the invitation to answer. I don't have any medical or scientific background with which to draw upon to answer this question. I can, however, provide you some thoughts and speculation, along with a couple links that may prove useful.
First, my thoughts. I am familiar with two different circumstances that might provide some insight. The first is chemotherapy for cancer. My sister had cancer at a pretty young age and went through chemotherapy. Through this therapy, she lost a lot of her hair, but it all grew back. She was younger than 20, but I've seen people ranging from their childhood years all the way into their later years go through chemotherapy and still grow their hair back. This provides some very strong evidence supporting the claim that hair grows back.
There are, however, conditions such as male pattern baldness that prevent hair from growing back. These conditions are more common with people in their later years, but they can and have been known to affect children as well. They also are not gender discriminate, though it does seem like they impact men more than women.
The point is hair that is lost can grow back at any age, but there is no guarantee no matter what age, or gender, you are. The cause of the hair loss will have the largest impact on whether or not the lost hair will grow back.
I can't really say whether or not it grows back in the same place. I speculate that if it is going to grow back, it will grow back in the same place. We have hair follicles from which the hair grows. I don't believe these move around for any purpose, so I must assume hair will grow back in the same place if it's going to grow back.
Below are some links that can probably provide you better answers than I can give. I don't believe any of these links actually provide scientific support themselves, but perhaps they can help guide you to some. Hope this helps.
When Do Men Go Bald?
Pre-mature hair loss
Page on go.com


Ci vogliono ripetuti strattoni alla radice perché i follicoli smettano di produrre capelli. Probabilmente crescerà come prima. I capelli crescono circa 1/2 a 1 pollice intero al mese, quindi puoi fare i conti. Ho trovato il nitrato di miconazolo che accelera la crescita dei capelli. È disponibile in due forme di cui sono a conoscenza, polvere per i piedi e crema per la candida vaginale. Puoi usare la polvere come shampoo a secco e la crema per massaggiare il cuoio capelluto. Non è bello da pensare ma ha funzionato per molte persone e anche per me. Fai la tua ricerca e usa a tuo rischio e pericolo.

Darrill Wickard

Yes, it’s very possible that if you pull your hair out, or it is actually pulled out by getting caught in something, if your hair is still actively growing, the pulled-out hair will grow back.


Hair Follicle - Wikipedia

If your hair is not actively growing from the roots and you pull out your hair or it gets pulled out, it may not grow back.

Or, if you are deliberately pulling your hair out, there is the possibility that a form of alopecia known as frictional alopecia will develop and the pulled-out hair will not eventually grow back.

The bottom line? Non tirare i capelli intenzionalmente.

O, se non stai tirando i capelli intenzionalmente, allora se i tuoi capelli sono regolarmente impigliati in qualcosa, assicurati di smettere di esporre i tuoi capelli a quel pericolo.

E' possibile nel tempo causare danni o indebolire i follicoli dei capelli con ripetuti tiri di capelli. Anche se i capelli ricrescono, possono essere più fini e le radici possono effettivamente ridursi.

Saluti a tutti.

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