QNA > D > Qualcuno Crede Nel Prasanam Di Foglie Di Betel?

Qualcuno crede nel prasanam di foglie di betel?

  • I believe in destiny because we all have a path that we're meant to walk and the universe helped us find our way to it. Discussions like these can be very personal, and spirits may enter them for several different reasons. For some people, the pain of this world is too much for them to handle anymore, their souls will find solace in an eternal afterlife where they'll finally escape from all hurt and disappointment. So while some may consider believing in destiny childish or naive, it's ultimately a matter of faith--a faith that if we just let life play out as it should, everything will work out alright in the end regardless.
  • As Aristotle said, fate shows itself in everything that happens to us. I can promise you there's no coincidence and we all have something to do — the other side of the coin is our character and temperament coming up against these things and how we handle them. There is a destiny for everyone because what we put out comes back.
  • Some people would call it fate, others might say there's no such thing. Regardless of your beliefs, what determines the quality of your destiny is how you act in response to the events that shape it. Some people may be driven by pure ambition and blind determination while others are more passive and don’t bother to plan for their futures.
  • The motive for this drive will affect all aspects of life- not just ambitions- so it’s important to evaluate your reasons for acting before each decision. Don't let other people define who you should become because you'll never know if doing things differently could have made an impact on your destiny or that of someone else's. Take responsibility instead, create the world around you instead! Belief is up to personal!

L'astrologia della foglia di petalo è vera come il prashna marga.

È un processo occulto ben versato praticato nel sud dell'India per analizzare i problemi della vita.

Jai Shree Krishna

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