QNA > C > Può Esistere Il Riflesso Di Un Arcobaleno?

Può esistere il riflesso di un arcobaleno?


As others have answered, yes … you can see reflections of a rainbow.

But they won’t be reflections of the rainbow *you* are seeing.

They are reflections of the rainbow that’s appearing to anyone who happened to be on the water at the spot the reflection appeared to come from.


(source: Reflection Rainbows )

Except… the text accompanying the above image says “The lower bow, although it is called a reflected bow, is not a reflection of the upper one. Rainbows are not real objects and therefore cannot produce reflections.“

But then it can get even more complicated:


(source: Riflessione e archi riflessi, Norvegia )

...e i link in fondo a quella pagina ti portano ad altri esempi.

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Perché il beige non fa parte dell'arcobaleno? :: Che cos'è la paesaggistica? Come si dimostra benefico per le nostre proprietà? - Scienza e ingegneria
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