QNA > H > Di Quanto Sole E Acqua Hanno Bisogno Le Zinnie?

Di quanto sole e acqua hanno bisogno le zinnie?

Zosima Scungio

Caring Tips for Zinnia

  • Zinnia care may also include watering in the early morning, which allows the foliage and flowers ample time to dry off before nightfall.
  • Zinnias should be planted 12-24 apart in rich, well-drained garden soil.
  • They require full sun to bloom.
  • but will appreciate a little afternoon shade in the hottest regions.
  • Zinnias dislike having wet foliage, so if possible, they should be watered with a soaker hose.
  • Once established, your Zinnia will only need watering during extended periods of drought.
  • They should be planted where they have good air circulation to help prevent powdery mildew.
  • Feed every 4-6 weeks with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer.
  • Deadhead regularly to keep plants flowering until fall.
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