QNA > R > Red Hot Chili Peppers (Band): Qual È La Tua Interpretazione Della Canzone Snow[Hey Oh]?

Red Hot Chili Peppers (band): Qual è la tua interpretazione della canzone Snow[hey oh]?

Zubkoff Coward

This is a very good song and has been in my playlist since long. Though it is one of the oldest songs in my playlist, I never cared about the lyrics as the rhythm itself is appealing, until recently when I was travelling and there is no one around me who can bug me. All of a sudden, my playlist started playing this song and for the first time I listened to the lyrics.

Frankly speaking, I couldn't make any sense out of it initially but as I heard it in repeat mode, I'm surprised by what it meant. Here are few of my learnings from this song -

when will I know that I really can't go to the well once more time to decide on
Initially I couldn't make out what does this 'well' mean here. But I realized that 'well' is used as a representative of something that you loved and lost. It might be your ex-girl friend/ boy friend, drugs etc. This line explains how we feel after we loose something that we love. For example, after we break up with someone, we always think that give me a chance to correct it and given a chance to go back in time, I'll definitely make right decisions this time.

The more I see the less I know the more I like to let it go
Before this line, he uses snow as a cover if you remember. The track that u ran long back, the more it is covered by the snow, the less you could trace it. Here snow represents the new things that are happening in your life which will eventually fade out the past and hence the more the snow cover, the more you will let it go.

come to believe that I better not leave before I get my chance to ride
This line tells to trust yourself and self satisfied with what you got and start feeling happy for what you have left with. Don't just leave because everyone gets his turn to play the game for sure.

When to descend to amend for a friend all the channels that have broken down
In the course of being in the 'well' in the past, you've lost your friends and some connections that really wanted to keep. For example, to be with your girl friend in the past, you've lost your other female friends to make sure that your girl doesn't get any trouble. You'll remember all those lost connections at this stage and want them back now. So you ask yourself when will I amend my mistakes?


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Perché le nostre zucche non intagliate durano tutto l'anno? Non mostrano segni di marciume. :: Perché le zucche intagliate marciscono e si rompono più velocemente?
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