We have a very small scale rubber plantation, back home at Kerala. I would like to describe the process, in short, from rubber trees to processed rubber sheets.
Rubber Trees
Rubber trees can be tapped only after 5-7 years after they are planted. After it is matured, you can tap a tree every alternate day.
That is my click ^.
The rubber trees are serrated, and the trunk is cut ,in a special angle. The sap/ rubber drips and falls into a container which is attached to the tree hence. After a day, the rubber hence collected can be treated.
This lady was kind enough to answer my stupid questions.
Note the angle and the cut.
Acid is used to coagulate the rubber obtained. Formic Acid is added to the rubber collected from these small miniature containers, and then treated upon. After coagulation, it is let to set in a tray.
Again, not my click.
Making it into sheets
The rubber slabs hence collected are made into sheets, by passing them through a machine like this:
This is not my click, though our machine is similar, in a different colour.
Smoking/ Drying
We have a small smoke house, where these rubber sheets are dried, so that there is no moisture/water content in it.
Then it is sold to rubber dealers. The cost varies from 150 Rs/kg to as high as 250/300 Rs/kg.
Grefer Akins
Basta essere consapevoli che gomma è usato piuttosto ampiamente per coprire tutto ciò che ha caratteristiche flessibili o estensibili. La stragrande maggioranza degli oggetti che vedete quotidianamente e che pensate gomma, come la gomma naturale di linfa d'albero, non lo sono. La maggior parte sono polimeri prodotti dall'uomo.
Per esempio:
Le guarnizioni dello scarico del lavandino della vostra cucina o della vostra auto o i tubi flessibili che trasportano sangue e farmaci in ambito medico.
We have a very small scale rubber plantation, back home at Kerala. I would like to describe the process, in short, from rubber trees to processed rubber sheets.
Rubber trees can be tapped only after 5-7 years after they are planted. After it is matured, you can tap a tree every alternate day.
That is my click ^.
The rubber trees are serrated, and the trunk is cut ,in a special angle. The sap/ rubber drips and falls into a container which is attached to the tree hence. After a day, the rubber hence collected can be treated.
Acid is used to coagulate the rubber obtained. Formic Acid is added to the rubber collected from these small miniature containers, and then treated upon. After coagulation, it is let to set in a tray.
Again, not my click.
The rubber slabs hence collected are made into sheets, by passing them through a machine like this:
This is not my click, though our machine is similar, in a different colour.
We have a small smoke house, where these rubber sheets are dried, so that there is no moisture/water content in it.
Then it is sold to rubber dealers. The cost varies from 150 Rs/kg to as high as 250/300 Rs/kg.
Basta essere consapevoli che gomma è usato piuttosto ampiamente per coprire tutto ciò che ha caratteristiche flessibili o estensibili. La stragrande maggioranza degli oggetti che vedete quotidianamente e che pensate gomma, come la gomma naturale di linfa d'albero, non lo sono. La maggior parte sono polimeri prodotti dall'uomo.
Per esempio:
Le guarnizioni dello scarico del lavandino della vostra cucina o della vostra auto o i tubi flessibili che trasportano sangue e farmaci in ambito medico.