QNA > W > Perché Mia Madre È Arrabbiata Con Me Quando Non Faccio Niente Di Male?

Perché mia madre è arrabbiata con me quando non faccio niente di male?


Ho zero idea. ho 11 anni e mia madre mi urla contro senza motivo quando non faccio assolutamente nulla di sbagliato, nulla!

Sidky Desatnik

You said it yourself, „when we do nothing“.

Of course I can only assume, and I think this „nothing“ is literally something you did not do, like…

  • did not clean the table before leaving kitchen,
  • did not hang the hand towel correctly like she already told you 60 times,
  • Put the wet plates in kitchen cupboard instead of drying them before,
  • During dinner you and your brother make grimaces together, but for parents not especially funny,
  • You did not finish your plate,
  • In the angle of her eyes she sees your school backpack AGAIN put in the place she told you already 130 times not to put,
  • Etc…

Bottom line is, that from her grown up perspective you did something (or did not do), what drives her crazy!

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Perché le madri dicono di no? :: Ho perso la fiducia di mia madre per una bugia che ho detto. Posso riavere la fiducia?
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