QNA > W > Qual È Il Modo Più Semplice Per Iniziare Un Giardino Di Base?

Qual è il modo più semplice per iniziare un giardino di base?

Lucretia Caneer

The easiest way to start a garden, and I am referring to a vegetable garden, is to follow these 3 basic concepts:

  1. Start Small - If you are new, keeping your vegetable garden small in the beginning will slowly acclimate you to maintaining a vegetable garden. You won’t get overwhelmed.
  2. Grow what you like to eat - Sure, everyone grows tomatoes, but if you don’t eat them why would you grow them? In your small vegetable garden, grow a handful of plants that you like to eat. You are more likely to stick with it.
  3. Keep it in sight - Meaning, the small vegetable garden that you are growing, with the plants that you like to eat, should be right outside the window, or at least within view, of the room you spend the most time in. I have found that if you are constantly looking at your vegetable garden, you will stay with it.

Here’s an episode of The Vegetable Gardening Show where I talk about these 3 bullet points:

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