QNA > H > Come Viene Estratto E Lavorato L'alluminio?

Come viene estratto e lavorato l'alluminio?

Sergio Matar

Having worked at an aluminum plant and being a chemist, I think I can answer your question.

First, aluminum metal is not mined since aluminum is never ever found as a free metal. It is always an oxide. The ore is called Bauxite - Wikipedia. Bauxite is usually a mixture of aluminum oxide, iron oxide and some silicates. It is mined usually as a reddish dirt looking material that is sent to a plant for treatment.

There, the bauxite is treated with sodium hydroxide and the aluminum oxide dissolved out of the bauxite and made into an aluminate that is calcined (heated red hot) and turned into pure aluminum oxide that looks a lot like sugar or salt.

The aluminum oxide is then sent to the refinery where it is electrolyzed. Questo significa che viene messo in una cella Soderberg, o pentola Prebake per Fusione di alluminio - Wikipedia. Queste celle usano TANTA elettricità in un bagno di criolite per dissolvere l'ossido di alluminio e produrre metallo alluminio e gas CO2. Tutto questo avviene a calore rosso!

Le singole celle producono circa una tonnellata di alluminio al giorno che si raccoglie sul fondo della cella. Su base regolare, ogni pentola viene spillata e l'alluminio liquido viene aspirato e trasportato nel luogo dove viene solidificato. Può essere fuso in blocchi o modellato in barre di sei pollici o più di diametro e tagliato secondo le esigenze dei clienti.

Siccome ci vuole una quantità ENORME di elettricità per fare l'alluminio, 3 elettroni per atomo di alluminio, gli impianti di riduzione sono di solito vicini a una fonte di elettricità economica.

Per una maggiore profondità di informazioni, si può andare alle fonti a cui si fa riferimento.

Spero che questo aiuti.

Mezoff Meroney

The general rule for underground coal mines, rule 29.1, prohibits unauthorized aluminum alloys underground. A fire spark can occur if some aluminum alloys strike a steel object. I do not think that using aluminum equipment is wise as it is a soft metal and thus hard crust of the Earth might destroy the equipment. underground mining is not at all an easy task as tough minerals have to be extracted and crushed underground. other than this there are multiple reasons why aluminum is highly degraded for underground mining.

  • Aluminum fabrication isn't for the faint-hearted, as using low melting heat and melting process means that aluminum does tend to create a mess as it can build up in the wheels during the grinding process underground.
  • Sensitive to heat and can get deteriorated within high temperatures
  • They are the effective conductors of heat and electricity which might be harmful to the miners.

In my opinion, tungsten carbide mining picks are a better option because they have a tough material for rotating the mineral resources and an easy extraction. It can withstand the hardest substance as well. They are very helpful for crushing and milling purposes. It depends on the intensity of how deep your mining is and what sort of mineral you actually want to extract. At times aluminum-made equipment is also helpful but if you want equipment for a bigger scale you should go with tungsten carbide or any other iron or steel mining picks.

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