L'olio di neem è efficace sui capelli? Come può essere usato per la crescita del volume dei capelli?
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In Ayurveda, neem is believed to be the universal healer.
It has been used for many millennia for various purposes, from treating malaria to repelling insects. Scientists have discovered an array of healing compounds in neem.
It is also the best remedy for any skin and hair ailments. The benefits of using neem oil are exceptionally numerous. If you have any problem, big or small, neem oil will do the trick. And don’t worry if you can’t make up your mind because neem oil can treat every skin and hair type, regardless of age or gender.
It is always recommended to dilute neem oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil, jojoba, and olive oil to neem oil before applying it to hair. Direct application of neem oil can lead to scalp irritation. I would recommend you to try Biloba Naturals oil which contains herbal ingredients infused with the goodness of neem oil to help grow long and strong hair from the root!
Let us check out some of the benefits of neem oil for hair.
The natural regenerative properties of Neem Oil encourage follicle growth and stimulate healthy cell division. In addition, it counteracts hair thinning caused by pollution, stress, or medication. Therefore, regular application of neem oil promotes the growth of thicker, stronger, and more luxurious hair.
Neem oil possesses anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and antioxidant properties. These properties help treat the scalp which can lead to permanent hair loss if left untreated.
Dandruff is caused by fungi known as Candida and Malassezia. Neem oil, thanks to its antifungal properties, can effectively fight these microbes. It also provides relief from inflammation, itchiness, and dryness.
Studies have shown that neem oil has proven to be an effective treatment against head lice, and it has no side effects. It is also said that the pungent smell of neem repels lice away.
Neem oil helps delay or prevent premature graying. However, note that Neem oil is only effective in delaying or preventing graying. It won’t affect hair that has already turned gray due to aging.
These enormous benefits of Neem oil for hair explain why it has been used in Ayurvedic remedies for hair problems for centuries. I hope it helps you as well. Good luck!