QNA > H > Come Deve Essere Preparato Un Letto Di Semi Di Verdura?

Come deve essere preparato un letto di semi di verdura?

  1. Make sure that the soil is loose and can hold a bit of moisture. You can do that using some digging tool. This is important for primary root growth.
  2. Make sure you add organic material like manure or some organic balanced fertilisers, to increase the chance of seeds to get vitals quickly.
  3. Make sure it’s even and there’s no water logging.
  4. Keep it moist as most of vegetables sprouts in humidity.
  5. If you are in a place where frost could occur, then cover with seed bed with thin sheet.

I always, use seed germination trays for sprouting and once plants are stable, sow them in bed and mulch the remaining area to beat weeds.

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