QNA > H > Come Eliminare Le Formiche Rosse Dalla Mia Tastiera

Come eliminare le formiche rosse dalla mia tastiera


You have several options -

  • Red ants are there in search of food or drink. Wait until they live by themselves. They will clean every trace of food or drink for you. ?? Once it’s over they will leave it. Keep your laptop near an open area from where they can leave.
  • Try to find out exactly where red ants are getting inside. Remove your battery or keypad from the laptop. It is very easy to disassemble some parts of the laptop. Better to look for a YouTube video for the same. Try if you can easily remove them by blowing with your breath.
  • You can put your laptop in sunlight for 10/15 minutes. They will leave your keyboard because it will get too hot for them. You need to be careful about plasma displays. Sunlight can harm it.
  • Since they get attracted to sweet things, try tempting them with something sweet. Once they leave your laptop, don’t let them come back.
  • You can also use a vacuum cleaner. It will suck red ants out of the keyboard.
  • You can use a cotton ball dipped in cinnamon essential oil to repel as well as exterminate ants.
  • Similarly, you can use vinegar or lemon juice to repel ants. But this will prevent ants for some time only.
  • When you are not using your laptop, put it in your laptop bag.
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