QNA > H > Come Far Durare Di Più Una Pianta Di Basilico Del Supermercato

Come far durare di più una pianta di basilico del supermercato


If you’re hoping to grow the plant for a while, I would do the following:

  1. Repot it in a larger container, using potting soil. Try not to disturb the roots during this process, but don’t worry if you lose some of the soil it was planted in.
  2. Make sure your container has a drain hole, and use a tray under it.
  3. Trim the plant, sort of like you would trim a rose bush. Follow each stem down to the base, then go back up to where you see a couple of healthy leaves. Trim the stem above the leaves.
  4. Water it regularly, but only if you stick your finger a couple of inches deep in the soil and it isn’t moist, or if the plant wilts. Water it by adding water until it seeps out the bottom into the drop tray.
  5. Give it plenty of light. Basil loves sunlight, although it doesn’t need direct sunlight all day.

In general, as the plant grows, continue to harvest by trimming stems in the same way, rather than just pulling off leaves. Questo la incoraggerà ad essere cespugliosa e preverrà il bolting, dove fiorisce e va in seme.

Edwards Longacre

Io rinvaserei subito, la concimerei e la innaffierei. Chi sa cosa ha passato. Il basilico ama il sole del mattino, non quello caldo del pomeriggio, quindi fai attenzione a dove lo metti.

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