QNA > I > Se Una Pianta Non Ha Un Fiore Come Possiamo Ottenere I Suoi Semi?

Se una pianta non ha un fiore come possiamo ottenere i suoi semi?


In routine we can not get seeds without flowers. But I guess Faruk Ajam Rastavi wants to know Can we get seeds without flowers? Yes, we can.

Plant tissue culture interventions can produce so called ‘synthetic seeds’. In this (please see the diagram below picked up from www), a plant tissue is cultured on a synthetic medium with hormones so that its cells divide and redivide into a lump of cells called callus. The hormone concentration of the medium is then altered so that the cells undergo somatic embryogenesis to produce embryoids (equivalent of embryos of a seed, having shoot and root meristem primordia). The embryoids are suitably coated with a protective gel i.e. encapsulated. The encapsulated embryos are the synthetic seeds that can be sown and shall germinate into plantlets (see picture below):


(above: scheme of producing synthetic seeds)


(above, left:a synthetic seed and right: a germinating synthetic seed.

Faruk Ajam Rastavi thanks for your a2a.

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