QNA > W > Quale Tipo Di Verdura Può Crescere Nella Terra Rossa?

Quale tipo di verdura può crescere nella terra rossa?


Colture adatte ai suoli rossi e gialli - Riso, grano, canna da zucchero, mais/cannella, arachide, ragi (miglio) e patata, semi di olio, legumi, miglio e frutta come mango, arancia, agrumi e verdure possono essere coltivati sotto l'irrigazione ideale. il suolo rosso ha un alto contenuto di ferro ed è adatto a colture come grammo rosso, grammo del Bengala, grammo verde, arachide e semi di ricino


Soil are just the powdered form of rocks and part of earth’s crust. The color of the soil is due to the content of minerals in that region.

To grow plants, the most important factor is the organic matter in the soil which provides all the nutrients required for the plants to grow.

The soil mainly provides structural support for the plants by holding the roots of the plant firm. In a general case scenario where you are growing vegetables or fruits the mixture of the local available soil and organic matter like compost / cocopeat should be in right proportions for the roots to grow but enough thick to hold water and nutrients.

In order to understand more please read this answer.

Rajhesh Naidu's answer to Do plants grow only from humus or does soil play any role in its growth?

Rajhesh Naidu

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