QNA > W > Cos'è Un Melograno?

Cos'è un melograno?


What is a pomegranate and where does it come from?

Pomegranates grow on deciduous trees or bushes that can be up to five meters high and live for a few hundred years. Large, bell-shaped flowers in orange-red to light yellow bloom in spring and summer.

The apple-like fruit that grows from it is initially green, but later turns orange-red, red, yellow-red or red-brown. The pomegranate corresponds to a leathery berry with internal chambers that can hold up to 400 juicy seeds.

Where does the pomegranate come from?

The pomegranate has only become a superfood in recent years, but it has been grown for over 3000 years and has also been known in most parts of the Western world since the Middle Ages.

It comes from today's Iran and was already widespread in Asia and the Mediterranean region in ancient times. After the Spanish colonization, the pomegranate also made it to the Caribbean and South America.

Fun facts about the pomegranate

  • The pomegranate was part of many pagan cults and was revered as a symbol of fertility in ancient times.
  • Pomegranate juice is already mentioned in the Bible.
  • The name comes from Latin and means: with many seeds…? ☀️.

Un melograno è un frutto. Cresce dal fiore di un albero. È di colore viola rossastro e contiene antiossidanti e nutrienti desiderabili. La buccia non è commestibile, ma l'interno e il succo sono deliziosi.

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